Woodfibre insulation delivered

Well this looks like a whole lot of work.

Big differences over conventional (plastic) insulation include that it’s natural, biodegradeable, less nasty chemicals, and crucuially in use: breathable.

It’s also heavier.  Quite a lot heavier.  So it has thermal mass.  This is another advantage in use. It’s also far better at keeping out heat on hot days.  We noticed this in the 40˚ heat wave in Hull, when our house remained comfortable.  Although plastic insulation is more insulating (about twice as insulating, at half the cost) wood fibre changes temperature more slowly, so is far better at keeping out the midday sun heat peaks. [Explanation here.]

But it does mean that moving it around is a heckofalot more work.  e.g. getting it inside before it rains (it’s the North West in January), and then upstairs so the ground floor can continue drying.