Switch to Good Energy

Help build a green energy future

All Good Energy‘s electricity comes from local, natural sources like Cornish sunshine, Scottish wind and Welsh rain. So simply by switching to Good Energy you can help take the UK closer to a cleaner, greener future.

With your support, Good Energy can build more new wind and solar farms and continue to use their industry-leading Feed-in Tariff service to support a community of independent renewable electricity generators across Britain.

Want a gas supply too? They also sell gas, as part of their dual fuel tariff.


Switch Today & Receive £25 Off Your Bill

As well as doing your bit to tackle climate change and help the environment for generations to come, by switching to Good Energy via this form, you will also get a £25 off your bill.

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Advert Disclosure

There are no paid adverts on this website, nor have Good Energy paid for this page.
This is, though, part of their ‘Recommend a Friend’ scheme. If you switch following my recommendation, we’ll both get a discount on our bills, and UK renewables get a boost.


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